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Policy No. 453.61
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Some food products can cause an anaphylactic reaction if a person eats and/or touches the residual oils from the food. Foods known to cause anaphylactic reactions include, but are not limited to: peanuts, tree nuts, beans, peas, fish, shellfish, mushrooms, eggs, milk, wheat, soy and certain types of fruits.
It is the policy of the Lac du Flambeau School District to provide a safe environment for a student with a known, diagnosed food allergy without banning the food product at school or in the classroom. While schools cannot guarantee a 100% safe school environment, the district will take measures to minimize the risk of an exposure and educate staff to respond to life-threatening reactions.
The District works with students, parents, and medical practitioners to minimize the risk of exposure and to provide a positive educational environment for food-allergic and food intolerant students. Some foods may cause in anaphylactic reaction if a person eats, touches, or inhaled the food or food byproduct. Some students experienced food intolerances that require food substitutions because of a serious medical condition.
Each student's allergy or intolerance in each situation is different; therefore, when necessary, an Individualized Food Allergy and Food Intolerance Action Plan (IF AAP) may be created for students. Diagnosis of an allergy with a risk of anaphylactic reaction or serious food intolerance is based on the student's history with confirmation by a licensed medical practitioner, that is, a physician. The medical practitioner should provide the district with a written physician's statement (see the Medically Necessary Food Substitution Form) and prescribe treatment protocols for use in the school setting.
The district will take steps to protect students from accidental exposure to a known food allergen or serious food intolerance. Should exposure to a known food allergen occur creating a severe allergic reaction, trained staff, who are authorized in writing by the administrator of the school district or by a school principal, will administer an EpiPen, call 911, protect the students airway, and keep students safe until emergency personnel arrived. Medication administration will be provided in compliance with written instructions.
Legal Reference: Sections 121.0Z(!)(g) Wisconsin Statutes
PI 8.0l(Z)(g), Wisconsin Administrative Code
Approved: 1/9/13